Office 365 Propels Turbine Test Services to New Heights

RTI Consulting Services is excited to share the latest from Microsoft - a short video highlighting small business hero Scott Naucler. Scott owns Turbine Test Services, a professional services company with four employees who work remotely to maintain wind turbines along America's wind corridor. Scott relies on Office 365 not only to work flexibly andContinue reading "Office 365 Propels Turbine Test Services to New Heights"

EPMO : Making a difference in the lives of patients and thier families

It would be understandable if you are hard-pressed to figure out the connection between EPMO  ( Enterprise Project management Office) and making a difference in the lives of patients and their families. Making a difference in the lives of people is not something that readily springs to one's mind when talking about PMOs. Well, thisContinue reading "EPMO : Making a difference in the lives of patients and thier families"

Worldwide Educating for the Future index : Applying its insights to today’s workforce

Education Redefined: The Future is Now .While the primary focus of this EIU ( Economist Intelligence Unit) report is on making changes to the education system to enable students to acquire skills to succeed in the workplace that is being dramatically disrupted  by digital tehcnologies, it offers insights that can be applied today's workforce. The reportContinue reading "Worldwide Educating for the Future index : Applying its insights to today’s workforce"

Becoming a better project manager series : Taking ownership 

Being a project manager is tough. You are responsible for delivering results but don't have complete control over the means to deliver them. Most of the times, the results are defined in the vaguest possible terms, that you don't even know what results you have to deliver. Welcome to the world of project management whereContinue reading "Becoming a better project manager series : Taking ownership "