Bionic kids: Building mechanical limbs through collaboration

To achieve something great you need to collaborate with the right people. At RTI Consulting Services, we understand that achievement isn’t a solo venture. That’s why we provide our customers with solutions that will help them collaborate.

Office 365 allows you to access your work from anywhere–and lets others to do the same when you need to collaborate or share. Store, sync, and share your files online so they’re always up to date. Plus, you can edit documents with others in real time.

Office 365 is bringing the technology of tomorrow to the creators of today. For any organization, collaboration is the key to success. It’s certainly behind the success of The Limbitless Project that makes affordable 3D printed bionic limbs for kids. The Limbitless Project uses Office 365 to bring the necessary people together to make these little miracles happen. How will your organization collaborate with Office 365?

With Office 365 collaboration is better. Let RTI Consulting Services help you integrate Office 365. Contact us to find out more.

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